Every person you encounter in your employment journey is simply doing their job. Secretaries, hiring managers, HR, and even CEOs are all simply doing their jobs, and their contact with you is usually a part of that. That is why, when applying for a new job, you would expect these people to do their jobs correctly and make everyone's life easier, but that is not always the case.
For example, the person in this Reddit story was applying for a new job and was invited to interview for a job via email. The email informed OP (original poster) of an in-person interview, without so much as asking OP if it suited her. Then, when OP requested to hold the interview virtually, she was met with incoherent responses that caused her to miss the interview altogether. All the hiring manager needed to do was their job, and even that was apparently impossible.
Scroll down to read the full story, as there is more to just that. After you are done, click here for a story of a hotel guest who tried to rig the system and avoid paying for his room.
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