Everyone wants to know what tricks they can use to try and rig the system, especially if it means they can save money. It doesn't matter who is on the other side of that exchange, as long as you come out better on the other side, right?
Well, no. As fun as it can be to find little ways to "save" money, there is a clear line between using acceptable little tricks to spend less money or get better deals, and actually lying and cheating others.
The hotel guest in this Reddit story tried to rig the system and get a refund on a room after they already stayed in it, and he did it by contacting his online travel agent and claiming he was never in the room in the first place. Unfortunately for him, the travel agent didn't immediately issue a refund and decided to call the hotel to make sure he didn't show up. It is not surprising that the front desk clerk could easily see that the guest was lying…
Scroll down to read the full story. After that, click here for a story of an entitled driver who pushed a pedestrian out of a parking spot, using her car.
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