Getting fired within your first week or two of starting a new gig takes effort. You have to be so wildly unfit for the role that no one will take the chance to train you. There are a few thousand people who witnessed some of the worst first days of work ever, and they're telling the stories in the r/AskReddit community.
Some folks just aren't suited to the job. For example, one courier driver went through the interview process and started work. He then told the person training him that he refuses to drive in the city. Buddy, what did you think was going to happen at that courier job? Other people tried to start fights or refused to actually do any work.
There's also the guy who applied to be a security guard, only for his employers to find him sleeping on the job. Why? Because he's a narcoleptic! If you're constantly falling asleep, being a security guard is perhaps not the ideal job for you. He was just trying to fake it until he made it, but he'll have to look elsewhere for employment after that incident.
Up next, these people have some interesting dating preferences, like one person who insists, "Their date must have the same brand of toothpaste preference."
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