Controlling MIL Tries to Dictate Women's Post-Birth Journey Through Nonstop Antagonization, Wondering How to Move Forward: ‘She has a victimization mindset’

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    How can my husband 33M and I 27F move on from my MIL gaslighting me after I gave birth?
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    TLDR: My MIL (Anne) visited my husband (Jake) and I while we became new parents - which ended up being a disastrous experience. Turns out she is a controlling, toxic, and dysfunctional person that had unreasonable expectations of how I should be after giving birth. Jake was stuck in the middle. Jake and I are traumatized and we don't know how to move forward from what happened.
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    When I found out that I was pregnant, I invited Anne to visit Jake and I after I give birth because I thought it was a nice gesture for her to spend more time with Jake and her first grandchild since she lives on the other side of the country. She
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    agreed and suggested that I follow the one month post healing plan that is a tradition in eastern cultures. The whole idea behind this plan is to give the mother who just gave birth a month time to heal, rest, eat, and
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    nurse her baby. There are restrictions for example, having a restricted diet, not going outside, or washing your hair with plain water (but with ginger root water) in which I agreed to these terms. She said she'll cook the meals for me. Great.
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    So then we arranged for her to visit for two weeks and I assured her I would complete the plan after she left. However, somewhere along the lines she thought it was appropriate for her
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    to extend her stay from 2 to 6 weeks. I was uneasy when Jake told me but he reassured me that it would be better for her to help me anyway because I could focus on caring for our newborn.
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    While I was preparing to get discharged from the hospital, I ended up waiting two hours for Jake to come back because he had problems installing the car seat and being the middle of winter, the weather was also an
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    issue. I was extremely agitated at this point because my hormones were a mess, my body was still aching from the delivery, I was hungry, and exhausted from sleeping on hospital beds. Then low and hold, Anne comes in the
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    door with Jake. I couldn't keep all my feelings from showing on my face and I gave Jake a RBF because I really wanted to go home and by him bringing her, it was another thing I had to deal with. He then has the audacity to tell me to put on a smile. I knew he wanted me to lighten up and meant well, but livid. I was
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    We arrive home and I didn't know I had this in me but I yelled "FINE, I'll wear the hat" at Jake and Anne because she was pestering me to wear it because it was apparently one of the rules I had to follow - which was not part of the original plan. I felt
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    embarrassed for losing my cool. Meanwhile my sister came to visit and Anne grabbed my sister and started bawling saying that she doesn't feel welcomed when my frustration was because Jake mishandled the hospital discharge and me feeling terrible after delivery.
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    So then I apologized to her because while I knew she was on the sensitive side, she meant well. HOWEVER, during this apology, she had the audacity to lecture me I needed to better regulate my emotions and expressions. . I just gave birth and struggling with postpartum. But I kept telling myself "it's okay, it'll be over soon".
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    It wasn't okay and everything went from bad to being nightmare. One thing led to another from 1. Informing me of additional "rules" I had no idea about beforehand to 2. Finding out she cleaned the master bedroom without my consent to 3. Feeding MY baby formula at the amount she thought was appropriate because his lips
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    were still moving (even though my goal was to exclusively breastfeed) to 4. Saying I could start exercising 2 weeks postpartum to 5. Wanting a newborn baby to sleep on his stomach to pass gas (which is dangerous because it can lead to sudden infant syndrome) to 6. Making me feel like for having postpartum
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    and crying because "staying positive is a choice after giving birth" I felt trapped in my own home because Anne was a control freak who had virtually no empathy and was in my space ALL. THE. TIME. And even though I expressed my frustration to Jake, nothing was resolved because Anne felt like because she came from a place of love that our boundaries weren't important. And I felt like he didn't have the mental or
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    emotional capacity to be 100% honest with Anne because of the fatigue of working a full time job, going grocery shopping 3-4 times a week, and helping me care for our newborn baby throughout the night. The friction between her and us got worse day by day with her stay ended with yelling at Jake at the top of her lungs in front of me that he wasn't thoughtful to her like not asking her what she wanted to eat (even though he
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    would have no problem buying whatever she wanted to eat). And that he was disrespectful because he wasn't always facially expressing gratitude to her (such as smiling). At this point, Jake was deeply embarrassed and upset because imagine being in your thirties and getting humiliated in front of your wife by no fault of your own. Anne then slammed the door and went out for 6 hours for that day and the next without telling us
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    where she went to in a city she's unfamiliar with, which is completely irresponsible of her because what if something happened to her? Anyway, she also didn't say good bye to us before leaving with an Uber to the airport. Once Anne arrived back home, I chose to be the bigger person and sent her pictures of her grandchild. She would respond by sending heart emojis. However, she would forward
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    them to Jake and ask questions that I could answer like what solids are we giving, how much, etc. The last straw was on Mother's Day when she chose to ignore me the entire call - not even a happy Mother's Day to me. So then I delegated sending pictures to Jake because she was being disrespectful. This all happened in January and we only called/FaceTimed Anne on Mother's Day. All other communication has been through
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    text. Although we know she would appreciate seeing our baby, she's too toxic for us to connect with her in a healthy way. I will add that I also speak poorly of her in front of Jake when she's brought up in conversation. I'm not proud of it but it is how i cope with feeling incredibly disrespected. Jake says he understands but I know he feels terrible deep down because Anne is still his mother at the end of the day.
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    Now in present day, Jake wants to visit his side of the family later this year and I'm absolutely dreading it. I don't hate Anne, but I have lost respect for her because of how she's handled this whole situation. But because she has a victimization mindset, she will only continue to display dysfunction, pride, and toxicity towards Jake and I. As a result, I dread having to deal with her when we visit and personally don't want anything to do with her.
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    But Jake has expressed that it's important to him that our baby has a positive relationship with Anne. I told Jake that I would be on board as long as Anne is reasonable. But because both Jake and I are traumatized by Anne, we need advice on how to move forward. Thanks in advance.


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