The man of your dreams consists of Duff, doughnuts, and delirium. That's right: Homer Simpson, the world's most lovable dad-doofus and Marge's one true love. He is the doughnut of her eye. The Simpsons is one of the shows that you can start watching at any point in the series (and there are many places to start), and you'll be able to understand the tone, archetypes, and messages they are trying to get across to their viewership. As a family-are friendly show, all of their jokes and gaffes are hidden under multiple layers of comedy and dialogue, making it a suitable program for all ages to enjoy thoroughly.
What's better than combining tried-and-true relatable memes and The Simpsons? Absolutely nothing, you're correct. Though many of you might not watch the program anymore (as they've been running for 35 seasons), it's quite impossible to forget Homer's “D'oh!” and Marge's “Homey…”. Loved by many, the Simpsons Family is an extension of all of our families, too. We hope you enjoy scrolling through some of the best Simpsons memes to date, and don't forget to treat yourself to a brew and some doughnuts afterward.