Do you realize how fast the world is changing? It doesn't feel like it, because a changing world is all we know but up until a hundred years ago, things used to change in a very, and I do mean VERY slow pace. Someone had an idea to tie his cart to a horse, and that idea stuck and remained unchanged for literally thousands of years. At the beginning of the previous century everyone was still riding around on carts with horses and then suddenly the steam engine came, and we got trains, and then the combustible engine came and we got cars, and then the electric engine came and now we have self driving electric cars and all that happened in a span of three generations!
Technology is moving so fast that we get nostalgic for a time that just happened a decade ago, yet looked so different. A time where we had to "Log on" to the internet, "Burn CDs" Use "Zip drives" to store files and play solitaire on computers that had a "Desktop Theme" and a bulky CRT monitor. Oh how times have changed!