Welcome back ladies and gentlemen. You know what they say about traveling, that if you can travel with someone peacefully without drama, then you know they're a real friend. Your friendship usually consists of meetings for coffee, lunch, or drinks. You talk, you have fun, then you go your separate ways. If you travel with the person, there's no space for alone time or independence, and for introverts this can be particularly difficult. Though you may be put in situations you're uncomfortable with, there are ways to handle it with communication, maturity, and tact.
This brings us to the Reddit thread. A woman invites her friend on a vacation with her family to Disneyland. The friend seems excited, while the whole time she gives them the cold shoulder, and eventually leaves early. She even has the audacity to nearly ignore her friend the whole time they're at the airport. It's definitely rude, but blocking someone immediately? What has this world come to?
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