Welcome back classical art lovers of the internet. The waves of intimacy are like the waves of the sea; the rhythmic in and out of water, creating foam and ripples that lie on this eternal spectrum. There's a beautiful overlap between the earthly sensations of love and nature. Through these ups and downs, one can observe, manifest, and learn about love in many ways.
Even back in 1810, people were having difficulties regarding relationships, and the art speaks for this. Confusion didn't just start with the arrival of dating apps, but they certainly don't help. What were the problems back then? Maybe you went on a nice date, but you weren't in the same socioeconomic class. Maybe her father won't let you marry her, maybe she disappeared off the face of the earth because she drank dirty water. Whatever the reason, it still left people aghast at love's tenacity. Enjoy these classical art memes instead of calling your ex.
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