"The entire situation just made me feel [terrible], and I got pretty upset. He started laughing because he said it wasn't a big deal and I should just give him his space."
When you're a mom, grueling late night schedules take precedent over your own needs. That's the trade-off when you want little mini-mes that share your hair and your partner's eyes. Unfortunately, we see stories all the time about super-moms' efforts going unnoticed or belittled. What is it about mothers going above and beyond for their kids and their families and people thinking that these actions aren't things to be applauded or recognized?
The mom in this story is dealing with exhaustion as a result of being at a party with her children (2 y/o and 5 mo.) in high temperatures outside. Her husband stayed home, tending to the house and carrying out other errands. She usually stays home while he takes the kids, but this day was particularly exhausting to her. She wanted to sit on the couch and rest so she's closer in proximity to her baby who cries when they sense she is far away, and she just wanted some peace and quiet before a night of 12-minute sleep intervals and piercing cries. Her husband proceeds to repeatedly ask her to leave the living room so he can play video games and be alone, but she questions his reasoning as he's been home all day. Why can't she be with her husband and watch him while relaxing on their large sectional? Others in the comments are skeptical of his real reasoning for this ‘alone time’ and are telling her something bigger might possibly be at play. Read ahead to get the details and we ask: what do you think is going on here?
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