No anime or manga - no matter how renowned it is or how precious it is to you - is completely free of pesky and overdone tropes. An anime with amazing characters and an engaging plot line can be marred by excessive and distracting fan service. A nostalgic and revered anime can deter new fans when it has loads of filler episodes that do absolutely nothing for the story, world-building, or character development. An exciting shōnen anime with beautiful, fluid animation can disappoint fans when a much-anticipated fight ends up happening off-screen or is won with the 'power of friendship' instead of with unique techniques and wits - looking at you, Naruto.
In this amusing internet thread, anime fans discuss which trope is the most annoying. Read below and decide for yourself which is the worst: fan service, plot holes, forgotten side characters, off-screen fights, an out-shined main character, the power of friendship, or something else?