Dads always get assigned the fun activities.
When Mom's tired of carpooling, making school lunches, and gathering groceries for the house, Dad is poised and ready in the wings to take the kids off her hands. For Mom-relief-duty, Dad goes to the public pool, he takes the kids to laser tag birthday parties, he teaches the kiddos to ride their bikes, and he's the one who's guaranteed to get ice cream for lunch. Dads are the coolest–at least, until their opportunity to be the stern parent.
With the thermostat perfectly tuned to optimize AC and the natural evening cool-down, dads are poised to strike down any extra 'fun' when it's not a part of Mom-relief duty. Although we may occasionally be the 'fun dad', fathers must also adhere to a code of anti-coolness that'll keep the kids from getting the wrong idea that they're buddies.
I'm your father, I'm the head of the house, and I'm the boss around here!
So while fathers are constantly teetering over a line of funness, buzzkill moments, and cringe, we know our kids will always respect us for being consistently 100% Dad.