Welcome back internet enthusiasts. If there's one thing that drives apart any relationship, it's money. This little piece of paper and cotton combination has parents disowning children, and siblings going to contact. The driver for our humanity to work, live, and pursue the unimaginable, so that we can live comfortable lives, not only for ourselves, but for others. When the stability and security of financial dependence is taken from us, things can get out of hand.
This brings us to the Reddit thread. It's not the first time I've seen an inheritance turn siblings and family members against each other, and it won't be the last. In this thread, two brothers received a sizable fund from their deceased parents. One of the brothers chose to use the inheritance to invest in a company he didn't know was a scam. He now expects his brother to give him half of his inheritance, causing the family to split. But read the full article for yourself for all the gritty details.
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