Can a car dealer haggle a price with a teenager? This car dealer barely even tried, as u/rattlesnake501 explained.
It can be really tricky to know how to negotiate a car deal. There are various different websites that can tell you how much the car should be worth based on its age, mileage, and other factors, like if it's been in a crash. But just because you show up to the dealership with these facts in hand, doesn't mean that the car dealer will actually agree with you. If your paperwork says the car should cost $4500 and they want $20k, that's a huge price gap to overcome. The car dealer has their own bottom line: their boss might not let them sell the car for less than $15k, and no matter how long you try to convince them to sell it for $11k, they can't and won't do it. You can try to call their bluff, but, as commenters told to this person, there's only so much you can do to prove your point.
Up next, this nonathletic kid was forced by their school to join a sports team, so they decided to find the most teenage way possible to "make sure I fail."
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