As seems to be the norm at the moment, the world is going a liiiittle bit crazy. The more we watch the news, the more we lose hope for humanity. Sometimes, we find that there's nothing better for us than to get off social media, turn off the TV, and enjoy some pure wholesomeness. And there is nothing more wholesome to cat people like us - nothing that give us more hope in humanity - than an adorable kitten rescue story.
Every single one of them warms our hearts. Whether it's a story of a kitten that was left outside in a box in the cold getting rescued, or a story of an abandoned kitten blocking a man's car, asking for help, and getting rescued, or a story of a frozen and abandoned kitten yelling out for help and getting rescued. Or the story we have for you today. They all make us smile, and we hope that they will do the same for you.
PS, go ahead and treat yourself to our pawesome new products: a cat calendar, and a matching cat & me Christmas sweater!
Check out our store here! Now at specially discounted rates, get them while they're hot.