Welcome back ladies and gentlemen of the internet. When in a relationship, it's never a comfortable feeling to feel insecure, or unsure about your partner's relationships to other people. It can be jarring and uncomfortable to see a little bit too much friendliness, too much eye contact, or too much flirtatious touching. No one wants to imagine the worst about their partner, and it's up to the partner to put their relationship as the priority, instead of other people.
This brings us to the Reddit thread. In this thread, the woman has been dating her boyfriend for 8 months. They're hanging out with an old friend of his from college days, a woman. She's all over him the entire evening, and then even tells the woman that she's the reason every other ex has left. The boyfriend even agrees, claiming they're jealous and insecure. In my opinion, they're both making fools of themselves.
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