It's important to remember in any circumstances where you want to circumvent security and gain entrance to somewhere that you're going to need to get out as well… and the same thing applies when you're trying to get back into somewhere you've gotten out of. Anyone who ever snuck out as a teenager knows exactly how this goes: getting out is pretty easy, but getting back into your room in the wee hours of the morning without waking anyone is exceedingly more difficult. Mom, if you're reading this—this example is for copywriting purposes only and in no way representative of real-life events.
No, this isn't one of those "get in anywhere" YouTube channels, but this story, which was shared online to this popular Reddit community, stands as a testament to the truth of the above. When this guy rudely barged his way into a secure storage facility, he forgot that he'd need to get out as well… finding himself waiting an awfully long time until someone came to set him free.
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