Welcome back internet lovers. We all know how important it is to have family, even if we're not close with them. Our family is our anchor; they're there for us when we need them, and they're a support system for us to rely on. When they don't live up to these basic expectations, it can be very disappointing. Maybe because these people are the closest to us, when things go wrong, the consequences are the most devastating. So many people are cutting contact with their families today, whether it's from neglect or many other reasons. What do you think, is this man justified in his decision?
In this Reddit thread, this young man decides that since his family didn't attend his brother's wedding, that he's not going to be close with them anymore. He's a pediatrician, so his family often contacts him about medical questions. He ignores their texts when they try to contact him. Read below for the full story.
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