Meowdy all you internet-loving cat people! Once again another hooman week has passed us by and we're wondering how we make it thorugh the workweek 52 times a year. Well, the long and the short answer is that cat people share such a wholesome bond with their feline that kitties are actually powerful enough to banish the meownotiny of our hooman existence.
Don't believe me? The last time your life felt dull and lifeless, your cat at home purrobably sensed it, hurling their kitty instincts into overdrive–causing mayhem, meowing more than usual, attacking your ankles with a surprise bite. They do this because cats know that us hoomans secretly love it. We love the surprises our kitties bring us every day; their feistiness shakes up the world in a way we can't describe.
So if you're heaving a heavy sigh at the world right now and could use a hearty bought of laughter, look no further than the illustrious humors of cat memes to spur your heart and turn that frown upside down. Because when our hooman world is grey, it's the cats who shine a prism of color over our lives–even if that prism is actually just a lil pile of bile on the corner of the carpet. Thanks, Mr. Milo!
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