Ah, love! Isn't it beautiful? When you're first falling in love, you can see no wrong from your partner. Everything is roses and sunshine. Eventually, you two decided to move in together. The idea of it sounds so nice—you get to spend every night with the love of your life! What could be bad about that? Well, you truly don't know someone completely until you have lived with them. You never know what they're doing when no one is around and it might surprise you. But if you love them, you can overcome them!
A Reddit thread recently shared their "what the…" moment after first moving in with their partner. Silly little things that they just didn't expect any person to ever do because they were never taught that. From weird cleaning habits, to no cleaning habits, to weird sleeping or bathroom habits—everyone has their own thing. But love still lives on! See some of the funniest stories below.
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