Having a kid that's into baseball (or softball) is a heckuva commitment because baseball requires a lot from the parents; every weekend you're signing up for 12+ hours at the field where it always feels like the parents are somehow more invested than their kids pulling grass in the outfield.
Frostbitten mornings where you're clinging to your to-go coffee turn quickly into blazing hot afternoons, and tournament season is underway. Every baseball mom has a moment where they wonder how their wardrobe became monochromatic to the theme of team colors and they wonder when they suddenly became the go-to carpool mom. With the snacks and the drinks in the back seat with 6+ kids stacked in the backseat with their sports gear, lunches, and ear-to-ear smiles, the time commitment is a price that every baseball mom is willing to pay.
So if you're freezing your tooshie off in this crisp fall air wondering why you decided to encourage your child to play sports, remember, in a few hours, you'll be hootin' and hollerin' and tumbling out of your camping chair in excitement as your kid (the all-star) dives for a pop fly. Then, as your heart swells with pride, it'll suddenly be completely worth it to be a baseball mom.