There is something so undignified about the state of being an employee. Don't mind me, just clocking in at my assigned time to do my bunch of pointless little tasks and tiptoe around management so I don't annoy them for some stupid reason until I get to go home and finally be myself again! It isn't that work itself is always a terrible thing, but the ways in which we work are often not ideal. It has to be said that if companies want to see peak productivity, many of them don't go about achieving that in the best of ways. At least we have work memes to commiserate with the many miseries that can be found in the workplace. They show that we are not alone in our frustrations, and what's more, it is possible to be funny about them on occasion. Sometimes all we can do is close our eyes and picture the next payday.
How things change.
No fun allowed.
Gotta have teamwork.
Stupid games, stupid prizes
Not now, not ever.
A baffling phenomenon.
An Oscar-worthy performance.
Time to brainstorm.
So helpful!
Just so important.
Turnover needs to be higher.
Welcome to adulthood.
Please, no more deadlines.
Business casual!
This again?