10 Fearless Cats Who Aren't Afraid Of Wild Animals (10 Gifs)

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    When this bear approached Miss Kitty for a little mid-morning sniffin’, she struck back with a paw and lunge forward that said, “Don’t you dare, you dumb bear!”

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    when this feline came face to face with a king cobra, he didn’t run away in fear. In a truly valorous act—or an absolute stupid one—he dodged every strike and stood his ground.

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    This kitty was obviously no stranger to dealing with crocodiles

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    This cat took quite the liking to the ocean’s most movie-friendly mammal, and even gave her a few kisses on the snout for good measure.

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    That bobcat was lucky there was a glass door between him and the kitty… otherwise he’d surely be on the receiving end of a ferocious paw swipe!

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    Right here you have a bear who decided to get a little nosy with a house cat, and a cat who wouldn’t have any of it.

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    Here’s the question we’ve all been waiting for: what happens when you pit a cat and a mountain goat one-on-one?

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    This fox kept wandering into a cat’s domain, and frankly, the cat was just tired of it.

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    Unleashed from what appears to be a cage fighter’s pit, this cat sent a curious pooch running with a quick pounce. Rumor has it that, to this day, the dog is still fleeing.

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    you have to applaud this cat’s scientific, studious approach to a reptile that would send most of us running.

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