When this bear approached Miss Kitty for a little mid-morning sniffin’, she struck back with a paw and lunge forward that said, “Don’t you dare, you dumb bear!”
when this feline came face to face with a king cobra, he didn’t run away in fear. In a truly valorous act—or an absolute stupid one—he dodged every strike and stood his ground.
This kitty was obviously no stranger to dealing with crocodiles
This cat took quite the liking to the ocean’s most movie-friendly mammal, and even gave her a few kisses on the snout for good measure.
That bobcat was lucky there was a glass door between him and the kitty… otherwise he’d surely be on the receiving end of a ferocious paw swipe!
Right here you have a bear who decided to get a little nosy with a house cat, and a cat who wouldn’t have any of it.
Here’s the question we’ve all been waiting for: what happens when you pit a cat and a mountain goat one-on-one?
This fox kept wandering into a cat’s domain, and frankly, the cat was just tired of it.
Unleashed from what appears to be a cage fighter’s pit, this cat sent a curious pooch running with a quick pounce. Rumor has it that, to this day, the dog is still fleeing.
you have to applaud this cat’s scientific, studious approach to a reptile that would send most of us running.
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