Hotel guest snaps at receptionist after she messes up his room assignment 3 times in a row: 'The third room wasn’t even cleaned yet—there were towels on the floor and an unmade bed'

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    AITA for snapping at a hotel receptionist after being given the wrong room three times??
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    I was on a trip recently and booked a room at a fairly nice hotel. I specifically paid extra for a room with a king bed and a city view because it was supposed to be a relaxing getaway. When I checked in, they gave me a room with two twin beds and a view of the parking lot. I went back to the front desk, politely explained the issue, and they apologized, saying there was a mix-up.
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    They gave me another room key, but when I got to that room, it still wasn't right—this time it was a queen bed with no view at all. I was annoyed but kept my cool and went back to the desk again.
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    They apologized again and assured me the next room would be correct. Spoiler: it wasn't. The third room wasn't even cleaned yet—there were towels on the floor and an unmade bed.
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    At that point, I was exhausted and frustrated. I went back to the front desk and snapped at the receptionist. I didn't yell or swear, but I raised my voice and told them it was ridiculous that I couldn't get the room I paid for after three tries. The receptionist looked flustered and said they were doing their best, but I wasn't really in the mood to hear it.
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    They eventually upgraded me to a suite, but when I told a friend about the situation, they said I overreacted and that it wasn't the receptionist's fault because they don't control room assignments. I feel like I was justified in being upset, but now I'm wondering if I crossed a line. AITA?
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    hannahrlindsay • 23h ago • As a former hotel receptionist, they're literally the only ones who control the room assignments. You have every right to be upset. Three times is absurd.
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    aswergomu Right? They're the ones who mess up, and instead of owning it, they act like they're doing OP a favor by giving them a suite. They fumbled three times and tried to brush it off like it was no big deal. If I were OP, I'd be furious too!
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    measaqueen Either the room wasn't clean yet or they were overbooked on that room type and were trying to pull a fast one.
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    FeistyIrish Wench Then own up to it. You can even fluff a lie and say "we had a few rooms extend their stay and the engineering department took a few other rooms out of order for maintenance on us. I am so sorry. Would you prefer a suite or a king with a different view?" But offer a solution in your explanation.
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    bopperbopper One time we were at Disney and had a savanna room booked at the animal Kingdom lodge and when we got there there was some kind of water leak issue and they gave us the option of staying in a non-savanna view room or being able to move to any of the other top-tier hotels at the same price plus they pay for an extra day so you know we snapped up staying at the Polynesian hotel. They didn't make their problem my problem.
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    colletezweig I don't think OP crossed a line. If anything, OP was patient for way too long. After three attempts, it's understandable to be frustrated. It's on the hotel to make things right.
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    LatishaFriedman Had a similar experience at a hotel where they messed up my reservation three times. It took a serious escalation for them to finally offer a reasonable solution. Frustration is totally valid when it's their error!
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    quiteCryptic I think op is justified, but personally I probably wouldn't raise my voice. Admittedly, that might be the reason op finally got a decent solution though.
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    4GetTheNonsense NTA - Life isn't a baseball game. You gave her three tries to make it right and she struck out. The person behind the desk can see what kind of room it is. If that was their best they failed miserably. They can also see notes and request for the reservation. The receptionist should have done the right thing the first time. If you lost your cool it's okay, your human, and you were beyond patient, and understanding.
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    FeistyIrish Wench As a former in-house reservation agent, I could assign rooms, as could my boss, the GM & Executive Assistant, Assistant GM, and any front desk staff. That said, the room had a description of whether it was river view or city (parking lot) view. I've booked rooms at other properties for guests that also had such descriptors. OP absolutely was correct to get upset with the desk
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    agent who was lazy. Desk agents should know the property details after a while. Housekeeping workers radio or call down to the supervisor to inform them that the room is cleaned, and the supervisor changes the room status in the system. That information is also displayed where desk agents can see it because it helps them avoid sending a guest to a room that is not clean & ready to receive guests.
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    joHwl-Hoch As a current hotel front desk person. Four and a half years so far. The front desk only knows what the computer tells us. I've checked people into dirty rooms that were marked clean and ready which is the fault of the housekeeping manager not checking like they are supposed to. The bed situation is a whole other thing. That should have not been a thing at all.
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    Beneficial_Test_5917 Once is an honest mistake, twice is incompetence, thrice, man, they don't like you. :))) A receptionist assigns rooms, that's part of their job. NTA
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    Lost_Needleworker285 Receptionists do assign rooms, they probably just over booked that room type and figured you would ether just accept the first room without complaining, or give up after the 2-3 time and accept one of those.
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    LunaDreamsc I get that hotels can be hectic, but if they're going to take my money for a specific room, they should ensure it's available. It's frustrating when expectations aren't met.
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    BeeYeh Woo Your anger was understandable and you remained in control of yourself. that it wasn't the receptionist's fault because they don't control room assignments
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    Your friend is not very intelligent is he? The receptionist is at the front desk and is the face of the hotel. She deals with incoming guests. It absolutely is her job an under her control. The same reception that upgraded you to a suite BTW. NTA
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    blueyejan Exactly this! Your friend is either an idiot or a doormat. You did not lose control. You raised your voice. You didn't scream "MANAGER" and demand the clerk be fired. You asserted your complaints in a rational manner, though a little loud, and got what you paid for. Even an upgrade for your inconvenience. This is the way.


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