Plenty of folks have to interact with outrageous strangers through their jobs, but no one has it quite like those working in the service industry. It's why they deserve more than the 20% tip lots of entitled customers love to complain about having to pay.
Sure, anyone in a customer-facing role can relate to the trials and tribulations of our servers and bartenders, but not everyone has to wait on these customers for an extended period of time. People working in call centers certainly have to deal with some despicable behavior, but at the very least, the interaction is brief and relatively disconnected. On the other hand, our servers have had to endure awkward exchanges with disgruntled customers during the drink order portion of the evening, only to have to return ten minutes later for the food order.
Our hats go off to these brave souls, who shared the strangest requests they ever received from entitled and sometimes outright bizarre customers.
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One has to have a pretty strangely wired brain to think that a “BLT without the bacon and the tomato” is the best way to order bread and lettuce!
Not sure anyone could have predicted Flava Flav to be a cucumber guy!
Some patrons just like to say fancy words like “spritzer” even if deep down, they do know the spritzer part is just club soda.
Here's to anyone who has had an accident in a public place. No one enjoys asking for help in those situations. It's hard out here for the gastro-intestinally challenged.
This lady is the stuff of legends! I don't make up the facts, I just relay them!
To anyone out there questioning what it tastes like to microwave a salad, don't try it at home, folks!
You know what they say, folks. If everyone in the room is crazy, you're probably the one who is insane, and this dude is no exception to that philosophy.
At least this one had a wholesome outcome! No one likes to be asked to do something outside of their primary job description. If you want extra help, you have to be willing to pay extra like this guy!
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