'I was stunned': Woman refuses to keep helping boyfriend with music career after he claims he could've done it without her, he accuses her of sabotaging him in response

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    "He accused me of sabotaging his career out of spite"
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    "AITA for not wanting to help my boyfriend with his career anymore after he downplayed my contributions?"

    My boyfriend (28M) and I (26F) have been together for three years. When we started dating, he was passionate about becoming a musician, but
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    he was struggling to gain any traction. I work in marketing and social media management, so I offered to help him build a presence.
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    Over the last two years, I created his website, managed his social media accounts, wrote posts, edited his photos, and even helped him network with
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    people I knew in the industry. I also stayed up countless nights brainstorming with him and cheering him on when he felt like giving up.
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    Things started to pick up for him last year. He got a few small gigs, which eventually led to a bigger opportunity. I was so proud of him and genuinely happy to see him succeed.
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    The issue started last weekend at a party with his friends. One of them mentioned how "cool" it was that his music career was taking off. Instead of
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    acknowledging my efforts, he smiled and said, "Yeah, it's all thanks to hard work and a little luck!" I was stunned but didn't say anything at the time.
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    Later, I gently brought it up and told him it hurt me that he didn't even mention how much I'd supported him. He got defensive and said, "Well,
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    I'm the one who's actually making the music. It's not like you wrote the songs for me." That comment hit me like a punch to the gut. I told him.
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    I felt unappreciated and that it made me question why I was putting so much energy into helping him. He brushed it off, saying I was overreacting and making it about me.
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    Since then, I've been distant. He's noticed and asked why I'm not helping him with his upcoming project. I told him I don't feel motivated to help when my contributions
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    aren't valued. He got upset and accused me of sabotaging his career out of spite. Some of my friends think I'm justified in stepping
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    back, but others think I should continue helping him because "relationships are about supporting each other." AITA for not wanting to help him anymore?
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    Cheezburger Image 10454657792
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    lookingformiles NTA. He doesn't think your help was important so why would you continue it? How could you sabotage it - it's not like you're writing the songs now, is it?
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    Philly Dilly Dee NTA. Hes showing you his true colors and letting his ego steer the ship. If hes this way with just a little success imagine how he will be if he ever "makes it."
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    CursesSailor See how he feels when his website, PR and marketing suddenly disappears. Bill him for the hours you worked. Then tell him how his royalties can go toward you re engaging your services.
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    SepiaToneHitchhiker NTA. Why even continue dating him? He not only doesn't appreciate you, he doesn't even like you.
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    Mummybearkh Tell him you can't sabotage something you have no influence over so if you did as little as he's saying then you have no control over his career
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    Aggressive_Cup8452 NtA. Why are you performing wife duties for a boyfriend? At least he already is showing you that at the end of the day your contribution. and hard work will most definitely be minimized.
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    SinisterCrazy NTA. It's not like you're his personal assistant, you're his partner. He needs to appreciate and acknowledge your contributions. Otherwise, he can hire a professional to do all that work for him.
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