The image does not depict the actual subjects of the story. Subjects are models.
Grandma's plans certainly backfire on this one.
You can't try to force a kid to like something and expect that preference to stick. For example, when I was about 5 or 6 years old, I too had a distaste for the color pink. Every girly girl in my class was obsessed with princesses, Barbies, and becoming a Girl Scout, when instead I was focused on memorizing dinosaur facts and digging good holes. Old-school 'parenting' tries to force kids to fit a certain type of mold, but nowadays, parents are more aware of their kid's autonomy, protecting their individuality at the source by letting little girls hate pink, skateboard, and climb trees. Sorry, step-granny, but forcing a color on a kid is so not 2025…
"AITA for refusing to take my daughter to "her" birthday party?"
The image does not depict the actual subjects of the story. Subjects are models.
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