Aunt bakes cake for 8-year-old niece every birthday, protests when family uses it as smash cake for six years in a row: 'Not only am I not making the cake, I'm not going to the birthday party either'

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    Cheezburger Image 10477124864
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    AskAubry 130 @ask_aubry As someone who loves to bake elaborate birthday cakes for friends and family, F this BS.
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    r/AITA WIBTA_PUBLIC u/Fast-Yogurtcloset264.2h Join AITA? I always make cakes for my niece's birthday, this year I stayed at home Since my niece (8) was born, I've always been asked to make a cake for her birthday. The first year went good, but in the second year something happened and started a "tradition" that I hate. The smash cake in face thing. The first time it was even funny, I can't deny that. The timing was perfect and we had plenty of other food too. No one was hurt, the cake landed on
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    This year I had had enough. I said I wouldn't make a cake. My sister tried to convince me for weeks, sending me pictures with ideas for this year, but I kept saying no. I finally got ped off and said that not only I not making the cake, but I'm not going to the birthday party either. I gave my niece a present a month before her birthday and every time someone asked me I said "I'm not going". Well, they still didn't believe me. The party was on March 1st and from what I know from my cousin, every
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    The Road Jess Travelled @JessPected Replying to @ask_aubry My SIL makes the most elaborate, gorgeous cakes. I can't imagine trashing them. Disrespect aside, they also sound obnoxious. I wouldn't want to attend either.
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    Melindi Scott @melindiscott Replying to @ask_aubry I'm totally on her side
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    Metal Nana @Inadvertantview Replying to @ask_aubry No good deed goes unpunished.
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    Taxcollector Phaedra @PhaedraGoddess Replying to @ask_aubry If they want to smash a cake in someone's face, why not use a cheap storebought one for that? Sure they pay for her homemade special cake, but I'd be sad as well if they'd waste it like that year after year— while promising they wouldn't do it this time. I would've stopped baking a long while ago. It's not fun to be disrespected like that, and see yoir hard work get destroyed. They can fix their own cake.
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    Akiesha @MsCullen Nase Replying to @ask_aubry Nah I understand her being upset. She spends HOURS making, decorating etc just for it to go in the trash? Just pay a bakery for a cake if that's what you wanna do cuz they won't see what a waste their hard work was...and even if they did see, they'd still be upset as well.
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    Romeo McFlourish @qzar9999 Replying to @ask_aubry Like... it might even be *tolerable* if they'd at least EAT the cake afterwards. But throwing it away without bothering to eat it is just flatly insulting her hard work.
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    Carina @Carina_Amyth Replying to @ask_aubry Who wants to spend hours making a really nice cake, just for it to be smashed up and tossed out. Nope. She's not the AH.
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    Renzler ❤ @MrRenzler Replying to @ask_aubry Your sister is an entitled brat and she's using you. NTA. You spend time and money on your cakes and take pride in the result. Their response is to waste it like morons. F those .They deserve grocery-store cakes.
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    NetherWitch @NetherWitch Replying to @ask_aubry I'm guessing the "they waited for two hours" thing was hyperbole to make her feel bad. But the fact that they even assumed she would be there with a cake at all after she repeatedly said she wouldn't be really illustrates how much they see her as nothing but a doormat.
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    Sarah Beland @IAmWhoNow Replying to @ask_aubry If she returns to making a cake for her niece, make an oversized cupcake... less time, less ingredients, less likely to be shoved in a face and then thrown out (might actually get eaten).... Still heart breaking... such a waste...I would be ped off too NTA
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    Stephanie Meidas... @Islandgirlpixie Replying to @ask_aubry I don't think her family understands the concept of the "smash cake." It's traditionally only for the FIRST birthday & it's a small simple "throwaway” cake w/the large, nicely decorated cake being actually eaten by guests. I'm a baker & have made many such cakes over the years.
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    LearningToFly @DownRunnin Replying to @ask_aubry I would also check in with the niece to see if she even likes this "fun game"
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    SCRobinson @ShaRob86 Replying to @ask_aubry I'd be pretty frustrated at having my cake destroyed and tossed for 6yrs in a row (assuming it was her 8th bday that was skipped)... s■ks for the niece, but mom is the one to blame.
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    Peter@gahning Replying to @ask_aubry Make the next cake out of plaster, boom (literally), and the tradition is over.
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    Spoken Thoughts @cigw_py Bakeries have the "we have the right to refuse service to anyone" sign for a reason.
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    Soorii @PchiSoorii What kind of a hole worries about a cake when their niece is being physically humiliated every birthday. F those people.
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    Laura the baker @bakergirl218 As someone who actually has their degree in baking and pastry arts, I concur. Eff this BS. A smash cake is completely different than a themed birthday cake. Not a chance in the world the OP was fully compensated for the cost of her time and effort into making these cakes.


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