Viral TikTok Video Has Viewers Hilariously Predicting What Millennials and Gen-Zers Will Be like As Senior Citizens


There's no bigger inside joke than the one TikTok has created with the current generations. Random sound bites that make no sense out of context, jokes that are near impossible to explain—seriously, how is the world going to define the word “yeet” to people in the future??

TikTok user @dez.thelez has gotten the Internet to realize, this generation is going to make up some strange old people. Will Millennials or Gen-Zers have their own Betty White? BING BONG. Who knows? @dez.thelez may be trending right now, but this isn't the first time TikTok has wondered about the future of this generation. User @funkyfrogbait also has a series on her page acting out how she imagines Millennials would be like as senior citizen. When a grandkid asks who was the president in 2020, will the response be “Joe Byron?” Only time will tell. But these TikTok viewers are already predicting just how lit the retirement home is going to be in 2070.


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