
CEO Revokes Company's Work-From-Home Option, Everyone Starts Quitting


OP's CEO said “If you want to work from home, go work somewhere else," and most of their team did exactly that.

If you're going to hire people on the pretense that they'll be able to indefinitely work remotely, you should probably be prepared for dissent when you suddenly change the policy.

No amount of pizza parties is going to inspire people to uproot their lives just for a job. 

What were they expecting?

Via u/Icerman

People in the comments were unsurprisingly supportive.

One redditor accused OP's former employer of using shady bait-and-switch tricks to attract talent. Another turned the tables on OP's former manager and exclaimed, “If you won't let your employees work from home, someone else will.” Ironically, companies would probably improve their employee turnover rate if they were just honest to begin with. There's nothing wrong with working in an office if that's the expectation from the start.

Via r/antiwork


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