Working 40 hours a week for years is nearly impossible without respect and reasonable benefits. Everyone who works deserves a reasonable amount of time off, especially for important life events, like getting married or having a child. When redditor u/WhoSc3w3dDaP00ch requested time off for their honeymoon nearly two months in advance, their deadbeat manager (who was notoriously bad at reading important emails) ignored the request for weeks before finally denying OP's time off. The boss said "reconsider working here if you want to take a honeymoon." OP maliciously complied.
Reading emails and attending meetings is the bare minimum for managers. Maybe OP's boss should spend less time playing golf and more time doing their job.
This guy can't even manage the consequences of his own actions. Not only did he lose an employee for presenting an unjustified ultimatum, he set his own team up for failure by ignoring OP's requests to reallocate duties.
Nearly everyone in the comments agreed that “bad bosses never win in the long run.” We hope that's true, for the sake of all disgruntled employees out there.