“AITA for refusing to sign anything while my eyes are blindfolded?” —u/ThrowRAissuesRA

A seemingly innocent game takes a weird turn

Marital problems ensue

OP's story is giving A Perfect Murder energy and we don't like it. If it wasn't for the fact that OP suffers from chronic health problems, it might be easier to brush off the conflict as a weird misunderstanding. But pressuring your sick spouse to sign some mysterious “papers” that they're not allowed to see, and then flipping the narrative when they express discomfort? Kinda sus.
The comment section
Redditors echoed OP's suspicions and then some. Most comments ranged from mild concern to full-blown paranoia.

In response to u/Haunting-Row-3961, OP replied, “is what I suspected but couldn't tell him because he might think I don't trust, he already does but I didn't want to make it obvious. It's not his fault because I easily distrust everyone due to past traumas. it all just depends on the situation I'm in.”
u/sapphyredragon added, "This is a perfectly normal thing to not trust. Either he is gaslighting you about it or he is somehow completely ignorant of how this is coming across (unlikely). The fact that he pushed the issue is so suspicious. At the very least, it is a red flag for personality. Much more concerned that he is hiding something big.
One redditor considered the possibility that OP's husband genuinely didn't realize his “fun challenge” might come off as strange until it was too late. But u/just_checking345 was skeptical, arguing, "Nah. A fun challenge would be doing it on a post-it note. Not on something that can be described as ‘papers.’ With actual text on it. That is a secret."

Redditor u/Pbandj8 wondered whether OP's husband might have been “conditioning” OP all along, a theory that other redditors entertained.
“This was my exact thought as well.” Said u/hdmx539, “OP's husband was conditioning her. Once he thought he had her sufficiently conditioned he brought up signing things. I mean, who does this? Why kind of game is this? It's definitely sus.”
“The game might of been harmless if it was just ‘see how well you can write your signature blindfolded on this random blank piece of paper’” u/LazuliArtz added, "but not letting op see the papers, or the result of this ‘game’ is strange."
u/milktaco went further, accusing OP's husband of possible gaslighting.

u/InfraredElephant argued that “if he was just testing to see if you wrote the same multiple times, he could've had you write ‘applesauce’ or something in cursive, not your legally binding signature. It's super sketchy to try that once, much less push hard multiple times!”
What was OP's husband really up to?
Lots of theories were thrown around, but what redditors didn't consider was this: what if OP's husband knew the game would come off as a bit strange and did it to test his spouse's trust? This is why you don't play weird mind games with your significant other. It only ends in paranoia and suspicion.