I Can Has Cheezburger? Newsletter

"Things Cats Do That Just Make Sense": a New TikTok Trend has Pet Owners Showing Off Their Pretty Kitties


The trend that “just makes sense” was originally started to show off your home. People would say something like “things in my Italian home that just makes sense” and then show off certain things in their home. Now that trend has transformed to be about anything the content creator wants it to be about, and as of late, it's all about cats, babyyy.


Every cat owner knows *something* unique about their cat or cats that just makes sense to them and often times, them alone. A kitten who licks the air dramatically; a cat who likes to stretch and then appear to be praying first thing when he wakes up in the morning; and the classic cat that uses absolutely anything and everything as its scratching post. If its your little furball, then it just makes *sense*.


Meal Time Trot

This cat as many unique traits, one being the excited trot to the kitchen for each mealtime. 


Morning Prayer

This spiritual beauty likes to pray intensely after a nice big stretch. 


Cat Fort for Blocking Out the Haters

Some cat traits that just make sense seem to be a common trait, like cats making their own little burrow to block out the haters.


When You Have 5 Cats

You officially become a cat lady after about 3 or 4 cats, so when you have 5 there are a lot of things you cats do that just make sense.


Naps in Empty Bowls

The “if it fits, I sits” trait is definitely a well known one and all cat owners know that it just makes sense. 


Love Bites

We like to call them love bites, but will we ever know if there is truly love behind those chomps?


Shelter Cats

Shelter cats develop their own world of traits that just make sense, like getting emotionally attached to the toilet. 


Using Couch to Maintain Murder Mittens

It doesn't matter how expensive that couch is, those claws gotta stay in tip top shape. #materialgirl


Dramatic Licks

Some cats clean themselves normally, so, it just makes sense to do it with a little extra flare. 


Sharing a Room with 2 Cats

When you live with two cats in a tiny room, a lot of things you would have never guessed start to make sense. 


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