
Obama Manspreads With No Regard for Human Life at the G7 Summit

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    Serious business is being done here.

    Cheezburger Image 8506908416
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    "If this were a subway, you'd be taking up three seats right now!"

    Cheezburger Image 8506908928
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    You and me, bro, right now!

    Cheezburger Image 8506909696
    Chancellor Merkel didn't take offense with the patriarchal entitlement that manspreading projects, but rather with the lack of efficiency in taking up potential seat space for three people. She is German, after all.
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    Look at all these f**ks I give about Greece!

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    A decidedly more relaxing location.

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    The meeting of the G300.

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    "I made this for you."

    Cheezburger Image 8506912000
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    "And this."

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    You could've prevented that earthquake, Obama!

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    "C'mon, man, focus!"

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    "Whatever, I am so done."

    Cheezburger Image 8506914560


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