Fake-Sounding Facts That Are Certified Legit


In the age of incessant lying and misinformation on the internet, it makes sense that some people would take most supposedly factual claims with a grain of salt. Sure, there are plenty of gullible and frustrated people who accept ridiculous notions in earnest, but the rest of us are all-too aware of the fact-checker disclaimers on pretty much ever form of social media. On a personal note, I find my brain unconsciously passing over new information, as so much of what's being spewed at me is flagrant bullshit. One way to start suspending that disbelief on a more regular basis is by consuming truths that sound like they couldn't possible be real. Twitter user @EricMGarcia has made this practice incredibly simple for those of us who are too tired or lazy to seek out new information. 

Eric asked his followers to share facts that sound like shitposts but are 100% real. The responses were more mind-boggling than we ever could have imagined. Here are some of the most surprising examples from the thread - and rest assured, we've made sure they are truly legit - or included the reasons why they may be iffy - like this one:

While this one sounds cool as hell, the BBC refutes the claim, while acknowledging it's “possible.” We don't think Johnny's a liar, so we're going to give him the benefit of the doubt on this one - especially considering this passage from his autobiography. 

"I was the ace. I was who they called when the hardest jobs came up. I copied the first news of Stalin's death. I located the signal when the first Soviet jet bomber made its first flight from Moscow to Smolensk; we all knew what to listen for, but I was the one who heard it..."

Now, onto the SURE stuff:

Jack Black's mom was a hero. 

Wonder how many pregnant women showed up after riding the Cyclone.

Thanks, Matilda. Can never look at pineapple the same way again.

Kind of cool to be immortalized in art, even if that mummification thing didn't work out.

What in the world is the point of altering an icon's accent in this way?

This one is just so wholesome. 

Gay People: 100 

US Military: 0

If your brain isn't already swelling with the thrill of new and exciting information, there are many more facts where these came from. Just consume them wisely. You wouldn't want to be caught sharing Onion articles as fact. 



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