Who is the artist behind Cat Food?
Samantha Moore is a creative and extremely talented artist. And what's better than that is her main focus is a combination of CATS AND FOOD!! Her artwork is fun and colorful. Making it a little hard to believe that anyone wouldn't like it!
So how did she come up with these adorable characters? Samantha first started with "Cat Food" in a very simple way. She told ICanHas.Cheezburger, "I was drawing food and putting smiley faces on them. One of the faces looked kind of like a cat's face, so I decided to roll with it." The alumni from Humboldt State University even started making up characters in one of her art classes.
"Cat Food doesn't hold anything symbolic I created them as a joke and it makes a lot of people laugh and that is what I like to see!"
So what happened??
The Eureka Box Art program allows artists to submit their work for a chance to win a utility box in Eureka. Samantha Moore's art was chosen in October 2017, and in May 2018 she was given a utility box as her canvas. The vibrant colors and adorable Cat Food images sparked up the street. Yet, it seemed only one person wasn't very fond of it. Molly Green, the owner of SCRUB Spa and Event Venue, was not pleased by Moore's artwork.
Green was so distraught by the artwork that she very publicly made her complaint at the Eureka City Council meeting. She commented saying the painting was "really large, ugly, poorly done eyesore." She went onto tell the local paper, that "she felt that the city neglected to consult with her about the art that would be in front of her window, which she feels is negatively affecting her business." Although the program is open to all and updated with the winners and their artworks, Green decided not to participate.
Sadly, Green spoke with Eureka Development Services Director Rob Holmlund about the mural and they had come to an agreement. The city approved of Green finding a new artist to paint something new. Wasting no time at all, that's exactly what Green did. When asked about the situation City Council member Heidi Messner told the Outpost "She (Green) chose not to participate. So it's on her."
Meaning that Moore's painting would be removed.
Moore told ICHC that throughout this experience she "was very upset {...} after I found out the painting was already being covered up, I decided it was best to accept what was happening." Despite what has happened, Moore won't let these things bring her down.
Holmlund, the Eureka Development Services Director, told the Outpost the city will offer Moore another utility box canvas and reimburse her for any costs. And Moore is excited, stating that "Eureka has given me a few options for a new box painting and I am excited to make a new one, even better than the last!"
We hope this time around Moore's vibrant artwork will be appreciated!
You can check out more of Cat Food Here
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