Crazy Karen Calls Storage Company to Complain and Threaten the Employee, Won't Listen that She has Called the Wrong Place


Karens are really ungovernable. Once they get into full monster mode, there is no stopping them, even if you tell them you have nothing to do with the situation. This Karen gets so extra, the employee keeps her on the line just to figure out who she was actually trying to contact so she can warn them. 


The woman called and is sure she made a reservation at this particular facility. The employee tries to search her name, her phone number, everything in their database for her, and nothing popped up. The Karen was already yelling and being uncontrollable at this point, but she was able to ask her what address she was looking for. Karen then proceeds to provide an address that simply does not exist. When the employee asks her who she thinks she's calling, she says the nickname of another facility that is not them in the slightest, like not even a related company at all. She tries to tell the Karen this, but being a Karen, she was too busy yelling and threatening this poor employee to hear her.


Karen Encounter


Courageously, the employee kept talking to the Karen and kept her on the line so she could figure out exactly where this Karen was trying to call so she could reach out to them and warn them of the crazy lady who is throwing all kinds of threats at her. The Karen threatened her that she was going to come in that Monday and harm this woman. However, since the Karen wasn't listening that she was calling the wrong place, the woman kept her on the line without fear of her showing up at her job since she doesn't know where the correct address is. She did eventually find out the place the woman was actually trying to reach, and warned them to be careful with her, and maybe even try to avoid her. 




The employee who dealt with the crazy Karen explains that she felt obligated to look out for whoever this woman was actually trying to reach, because working at a storage facility can actually be pretty dangerous. Many people don't realize that there are many scary situations that happen at these places because of many reasons. The example she gives is if someone is mentally unwell and they have to auction off their storage, things can get very ugly.


Luckily, this TikToker posted an update saying her boss was taking care of it and making sure all their employees and the employees of the storage facility the Karen was actually trying to reach are safe. 


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