Michelle's speech -- and her dress! -- were lovely as always, but the scene-stealer of the DNC's opening night was the late Ted Kennedy.
The Dems' video tribute to the Lion of the Senate included footage of Kennedy skewering Romney in their 1994 U.S. Senate debate:
Romney: "I believe that abortion should be safe and legal in this country."
Kennedy: "I am pro-choice, my opponent is multiple choice."
Kennedy, in a speech shown later: "Now he's for family leave, now it looks like he's for a minimum wage, now he's for education reform, and if we give him two more weeks he may even vote for me."
RNC Chair Reince Preibus immediately tweeted that the decision to resurrect Kennedy was "classless."
But The Washington Post's Ezra Klein called BS in a tweet of his own: "I, for one, am shocked that Democrats would inject politics into a video about politician Ted Kennedy during a political convention."
What say you? Was the Dems' use of a dead Kennedy in poor taste or totally legit?