I Can Has Cheezburger? Newsletter

8 Tips To Help Keep Your Pets Safe, Especially When You’re Not Home To Watch Them

  • 1

    Don’t leave your drawers open.

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    Small pets love curling up in drawers full of clothes, but they're in danger of getting trapped in there if you close the drawer without checking to see if your furry friend is in there. In order to prevent this, don't leave your drawers open in the first place. If you do happen to leave it open, always check to see if your pet is in there before closing it again.

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  • 2

    Don’t leave your electronic cords out.

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    Curious creatures that they are, pets may want to explore the strange things that they see plugged into walls or other devices, often by chewing them. So don't leave things plugged in when you're not using them, and store your headphones, cables, and other devices with cords somewhere that your pet won't be able to get to it.

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    Store things where your pet can’t reach them.

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    Just as you would for young children, don't keep things within reach that you wouldn't want your pets getting their paws on. But remember, what's out of reach for dogs isn't the same for cats, who are much more agile explorers.

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    Put your shoes away

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    For your sake as much as your pet's, keep your shoes away from them by putting them on a rack or somewhere else out of reach. Besides the fact that your shoes could get ruined by them playing and biting into them, they could also harm themselves by eating part of the shoe.

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    Check under your car’s hood

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    People rarely leave the hoods of their cars open these days, but if you're the type that likes to tinker around with the car, be warned that cats may try to get inside the hood because it's a warm place for them to curl up and relax. Similarly, some cats like to climb the wheels, so always check your car's wheel well and undercarriage before driving away, especially in the colder weather!

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    Be mindful of which plants you keep in the house

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    Humans don't usually give much thought to the houseplants that we use to decorate our homes, mostly because we don't try to eat them. With pets, it's often a different story. Make sure that your plants are pet-safe, and get rid of the ones that aren't.

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    Install pet gates.

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    If there is an area of the house that you don't want your pet to get into, like a baby's room, a pet gate is a way to keep your them safe and out of trouble.

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    Lock your cabinets

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    You don't want your pets getting into your cleaning products or anything else like that.


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