
Rich and Entitled Mom Shames Son's Blue-Collar Girlfriend Before Family Trip, GF Ditches Them On the Spot


“AITA for refusing to get on a flight?” —u/NoTGoingThank

Becky humiliates son's girlfriend for no good reason

OP dodges a huge bullet

The comment section

Unsurprisingly, the comment section resounded with affirmations and reassurance that OP was definitely not the asshole.

“NTA, the check in lady was correct.” Said u/Complex-Lemon-371. “If you would have got on the plane, you would have been treated like this for the entire vacation. It was absolutely the right decision to stand up for yourself. As far as wasting money, she said the ticket was free and I'm sure she didn't spend much on your hotel accommodations. As far as wasting time, you wasted enough of your own time on a relationship with your boyfriend if he isn't going to stand up for you. They are going to say that you should be happy for any kind of vacation and not look down on a coach ticket, but his mother was being pointedly rude to you.”

“I love this reply.” u/lasenorarivera chimed in, “And I’m glad OP didn’t put up with it. Life’s much too short to associate with people who want you to eat s*it and pretend you like it.”

u/yet_another_sock took the opportunity to give props to the sweet airport check-in worker. “Goddamn, I hope nice things happen to that check in lady. Public-facing airport employees are one of the professions that's really been made to eat shit in the last couple years, and the fact that this person still has the bandwidth for a life-changing amount of compassion is super impressive.”

“NTA!” Declared u/mumismatist, "The fact she got seven (7)!!! other people first class tickets and yet magically the budget ran out when it came to you tells you everything you need to know OP. Boyfriends mom was pulling a most assholish power play on you, indirectly saying you're not good enough for the family by directly refusing to let you fly in first class with them…I bet she thought she was so damn smart with that move lol. The fact that boyfriend didn't even speak up once in your favor shows that he's so deep in mommy's back pocket that he's either willfully or unknowingly refusing to recognise her appalling behavior and that's a major red flag as well. As in run for the hills red flag. You're on the ground right now, but in the future you're free to soar and find someone far better than a spineless momma's boy and his garbage family."

“NTA. Repeat after me: Cash (or plane tickets) does not buy someone the right to be cruel, abusive, or controlling.” Said u/Comprehensive-Poet82.

“If I were the mom and legit could only get 7 first class tickets and 1 coach, I would have been the one to sit by myself in coach. I could NEVER expect my son's SO to sit by herself. People disgust me.” Said u/SuperIngenuity6579.

“Definitely NTA...yes a free trip is a wonderful thing. But actively singling you out to make you feel like an outsider is a horrible thing to do. I'm sure if you had continued she would have spent the entire trip finding ways to exclude you or make you feel indebted to her. You've made the right choice to cut ties.” Said u/silly_potato_dork.

“This Edit is 100%!” Replied u/Material_Cellist4133, “The BF isn’t worth the tears. OP is definitely NTA. Thank god she met that attendant who told her about her worth. BF is horrible and so is the entire family. But what can you expect since apples don’t tend to fall far from the tree.”

Read the original thread here.


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