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Shelter In Ames, Iowa, Is Letting Offices Adopt An Office Cat To Decrease Stress

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    Ames Animal Shelter

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    In Ames, Iowa, there is a shelter that's currently letting offices adopt an office cat to boost office morale!

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    A new strategy

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    According to the shelter's Animal Control Clerk Abbey Weiman who told their local newspaper, Ames Tribute, "we (shelters) are all trying to get people to think of adoptions in ways they might not always see." Weiman said that this is another way for animals to get a forever home, especially for cats in unique situations.

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    Studies have shown

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    There have been multiple studies that have revealed that having a cat around has decreased stress levels. Thus, it makes sense to keep one around in a high-stress environment to help the employees!

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    Weiman said, "It seems that the cats are able to tell when someone is stressed or having a rough day," she said. "The cat will migrate towards them... They (the cats) sit down on your keyboard and force you to take a break," she said. "If the cat even distracts them for five minutes, it gives them an opportunity to de-stress."

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    Thinking outside the box

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    The program is fairly new but with cat cafes on the rise, why not take advantage of the unique opportunity for cats in the shelter to have a forever home, either it is in an office loved by many, or in a home. As Weiman mentions, "Not everyone always thinks about office cats," she said. "People are starting to see that cats can be companions outside of a home."


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