ou know your pet is fully relaxed when they're doing a sploot. Like a split but for the whole body, a sploot occurs when a dog or cat stretches so their bellies are flat on the ground and their back legs are pointing behind them. The amusing pose may be a way for them to take advantage of the cool ground on a hot day, or just to feel a satisfying stretch in their hip flexors. Corgis are famous for the sploot, but any quadruped can do it if they're flexible enough.
Unlike most items on this list, the word derp isn't limited to cats and dogs. It can also be a stand-in for such expressions of stupidity as "duh" or "dur." In recent years the term has become associated with clumsy, clueless, or silly-looking cats and dogs.
If you've ever caught a cat or dog poking the tip of its tongue past its front teeth, you've seen a blep in action. Unlike a derpy tongue, a blep is subtle and often gone as quickly as it appears. Animal experts aren't entirely sure why pets blep, but in cats it may have something to do with the Flehmen response, in which they use their tongues to "smell" the air.
Mlems and bleps, though very closely related, aren't exactly the same. While blep is a passive state of being, mlem is active. It's what happens when a pet flicks its tongue in and out of its mouth, whether to slurp up water, taste food, or just lick the air in a derpy fashion. Dogs and cats do it, of course, but reptiles have also been known to mlem.
Some pets barely have any fur, and others have coats so voluminous that hair appears to make up most of their bodyweight. Dogs and cats in the latter group are known as floofs. Floofy animals will famously leave a wake of fur wherever they sit and can squeeze through tight spaces despite their enormous mass. Samoyeds, Pomeranians, and Persian cats are all prime examples of floofs.
According to some corners of the internet, dogs don't bark, they bork. Listen carefully next time you're around a vocal doggo and you won't be able to unhear it.
Some pets are so adorably, unbearably tiny that using proper English to describe them just doesn't cut it. Not every small pet is smol: To earn the label, a cat or dog (or kitten or puppy) must excel in both the tiny and cute departments. A pet that's truly smol is likely to induce excited squees from everyone around it.
We've already established that doggos go bork, but that's not the only sound they make. A low, deep bark—perhaps from a dog that can't decide if it wants to expend its energy on a full bark—is best described as a boof. Consider a boof a warning bark before the real thing.
Snoot was already a dictionary-official synonym for nose by the time dog meme culture took the internet by storm. But while snoot is rarely used to describe human faces today, it's quickly becoming the preferred term for pet snouts. There's even a wholesome viral challenge dedicated to dogs poking their snoots through their owners' hands.
Have you ever seen a dog snoot so cute you just had to reach out and tap it? And when you did, was your action accompanied by an involuntary "boop" sound? This urge is so universal that boop is now its own verb. Humans aren't the only ones who can boop: Search the word on YouTube and treat yourself to hours of dogs, cats, and other animals exchanging the love tap.
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