Girl Goes Viral for Wholesome Story of How She Got a Date from a Boy She Met in the Laundry Room


We all love a good meet-cute story, but it's not just the story that really gets us feeling all mushy and squealing with excitement at a possible romance. That will-they-won't-they moment is always captivating, but it's also how the story is being told. You can't just tell a meet-cute story in a monotone voice with little excitement. That means the meet-cute couldn't have been that cute, it's got to get your heart a fluttering. 


TikToker Emily Hecht recently went viral for sharing her meet-cute story on TikTok. It's not just the story its self, though it is adorable—it's the way she tells it. She immediately relays the story with such excitement and giddiness, you can tell she really likes this guy. Between excited grunts and swooning sighs she tells the story of how she met a guy in her building's laundry room by giving him a Tide pod. 


Laundry Room Meet Cute:

Story transcribed:

Alright, so I met a boy in the apartment building of the place that I live, a couple of weeks ago and I said, “hello" in the laundry room. “You look like you're having trouble with this application, so let me help you.” So I took my little pod, put it in his laundry. And I was like, “hey, it happens to the best of us.” *finger guns* “It is difficult to work the laundry machine. Cool, right? And I didn't give him my name, I didn't give him my number, didn't give him anything about me. Cool. A week goes by, we're in the elevator and I'm like, ”oh my god, laundry boy, what is up my friend? How are you??" Being platonic because if he lives here he might also have a wife or a girlfriend, I don't f***ing know. Not gonna assume things. There was a passion between us. There was tension, there was electricity. It was great. A week goes by, he brings a letter to the apartment, he says: “hello, this is my name, this is my number, I'm interested in you. Wanna get a drink?” And I said *excited grunt* “obviously!” And I did and we did and we met and we drank and… He's from the Netherlands and he's really sweet and he's kind and he remembered my name. How crazy is that? My name? My name is the most unmemorable name in the United States of America and he remembered it. Oh my god… Be cool, be cool, be cool. 


Viewers are loving the story and getting to experience Hecht's excitement. That first feeling of romance is so relatable and a beautiful feeling. Anyone who is familiar with it, which is anyone who has ever had a crush, knows all too well that kind of pitter patter that gets created in your heart. Now that she's shared the story of how she's met and ended up going on a date with the laundry room boy, TikTokers are invested in the story. It's like watching a real life rom-com unfold in real life. What will happen next? The TikToker intends to post more and update the fans she has of her new blossoming romance. 


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