Rawvana caught eating fish on camera.
Her subsequent apology.
Vegan Youtube star and influencer Rawvana has issued a very long apology after being caught on camera eating fish while on vacation. Yovana Mendoza Ayres has been promoting her supposed raw vegan lifestyle for nearly six years via English and Spanish language vlogs. Her channels boasted over 3 million followers combined - and most of them are pretty pissed at this revelation.
Yovana's secret addition of fish to her diet was discovered after a video was posted of her chowing down in Mexico. One of her companions took a video and the influencer quickly and sheepishly attempts to hide the contents of her plate. She was very unsuccessful.
Her lengthy apology video was posted on March 15th, and has already gained nearly 200k views. The comments not only call her out for her dishonesty, but for the fact that she monetized the video heavily with ads. Ayres says that due to digestive issues, doctors suggested she incorporate both fish and eggs into her diet. Frankly, it's not surprising that instead of revealing the truth to her following she opted to hide it so as to attempt to hold on to her lucrative career. Her fans seem to just wish she had been honest. If you need more entertainment, take a gander at the thousands of angry and disappointed comments right over here.