Charlotte is laughing at you.
It's been a weird couple weeks in spider world. It seems like their intelligence has grown at an exponential rate and no one knows where it will end.
Let's recap.
Scientists have discovered spiders that know how to parachute effectively and how to tie up stone in their webs, probably to drop on unsuspecting passerbys.
They've even started joining up by the hundreds of thousands to create masses mega-webs.
And now this.
Spiders have learned to read, then learned to write with their webs, then learned enough to understand the subtlety of Internet slang to throw shade at the world.
Our one savior is the cutest spider ever who we want to have as our Ninja Turtle friend.
Remember him?
At least we are still ahead of them. Facebook said that people aren't really using 'LOL' anymore, instead relying on more nuanced phrases like 'haha' and emojis.
Get with the times, spiders. You haven't caught up to us quite yet.