Aquarium In New Zealand Has A Naughty Penguin Of Every Month

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    Penguin of the Month - June 2019

    Penguin of the Month
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    Penguin of the Month - May 2019

    Bird - PENG IN OF THE MONTH NATIONAL lor sw ALAND Good NAUGHTY Betty Dave Disrupting the Keepers when they are trying to Generally well behaved never puts a flipper clean the wrong windows
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    Penguin of the Month - April 2019

    Bird - PENG IN OF THE MONTH NATIONAL Geed INAUGHTY MARTIN DORA Being a Coming to the feeding station Casanova Trying to steal others girlfriends unescorted
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    Penguin of the Month - March 2019

    Wildlife - PENG IN OF THE MONTH NATIONA Geod NAUGHTY BURNY DAVE Consistent Pulling the leg hair of a gentleman swimming and on a penguin excellent encounter preening
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    Penguin of the Month - February 2019

    Adaptation - PENG IN OF THE MONTH NATIONAL AQUARIUM Geed NAUGHTY LULU PEPPER Encouraging her boyfriend to For being extra snappy go swimming (he's quite lazy) at feeding times
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    Penguin of the Month - January 2019

    Wildlife - PENG IN OF THE MONTH AOUARLUN NAUGHTY Geed Mr Mac Flip MR MAC FLIP Ate during a public encounter Abandoned her boyfriend and (normally snobs them) their baby for an entire week
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    Penguin of the Month - December 2018

    Wildlife - PENG IN OF THE MONTH NATIONA CUAEUN Goed NAUGHTY MO Captain MO CAPTAIN For hiding in the bushes Finally standing up for himself against Tux weighing day on
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    Penguin of the Month - August 2018

    Technology - NAUGHTY Betty Penguin of the month Trying to steal one of Mo's Tux girlfriends Good penguin of the month Tux Helping Elmo with egg Betty incubating duties
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    Penguin of the Month - July 2018

    Text - NAUGHTY Penguin of the month Managed to evade the keepers Flip on monthly weighing day Good penguin of the month Burny Flip Gave Mo a taste of his own Burny medicine by stealing his fish
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    Penguin of the Month - June 2019

    Blue - NAUGHTY Penguin of the month Learning bad habits from Mo Burny Pecking the others in the face during feeding Good penguin of the month Draco Standing up for Timmy Draco when Tux is trying to push him off the pier
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    Penguin of the Month - May 2018

    Signage - NAUGHTY MO Penguin of the month Mo Outright obnoxious Good penguin of the month Burny Our newest resident quickly learned daily Burny routines
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    Penguin of the Month - April 2018

    Cheezburger Image 9317688064
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    Penguin of the Month - February 2018

    Cheezburger Image 9317687296


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