Next time you buy a lottery ticket, maybe let the machine pick your numbers.
According to TIME, Dante Castillo from NJ swears by his lucky numbers, but it was when a clerk accidentally allowed the machine to generate his ticket that he hit it big. So ask yourself, are your lucky numbers worth $1-million, because his weren't.
It seems like everyone won in this scenerio. Well, almost. Castillo won the Cash4Life lottery, but he and his wife chose the lump sum of a cool million. The convenient store will get $10,000 bonus from the lottery officials for selling the ticket. And the machine who generated the ticket, nothing. Again, we're just digging our own grave when it comes time for the Great War between man and machine.
So what does this prove? Does luck exist? Why do we hold on to superstitions when it's clear the universe is left up to chance and coincidence? Oh, whatever. This guy lucked out.