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Karma Served to Ketchup Thief

  • picture two ketchup bottles with letter from ketchup thief

    On the 10th August, a patron was having a meal at Perkins Restaurant & Bakery in New Jersey. Feeling edgy, this unnamed person decided that it would be exciting to steal a ketchup bottle from the restaurant. But the fun stopped there. 

    An unspecified amount of time later, the restaurant manager found a plastic bag out the front of the restaurant. Inside were two new bottles of ketchup and a letter from the ketchup thief explaining everything. 

    The letter read "Dear Lacey Perkins, A few weeks ago, I had taken one of your ketchup bottles off the table because for some odd reason I thought it'd be 'risky.'" 

    The restaurant had not been aware that a ketchup bottle was missing, but Mother Karma made sure that the ketchup thief learnt a lesson. 

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  • picture heinz tomato ketchup bottle on white background

    The letter continued "Well, a few hours [after] I did it someone crashed into my car, and since then my karma, luck, and life have been sh*t. I hope returning two new bottles will return some for me, and I can stop carrying around this guilt." 

    "Again, I'm really sorry if I inconvenienced you the same way my life has been inconveniencing me. I'm sorry," the ketchup thief wrote. 

    The restaurant manager showed the letter and ketchup bottles to Maria DiLeo, owner of the franchise location, the next morning. Not sure what to do, but feeling sorry for the ketchup thief, she posted on the town's public Facebook page that the thief was forgiven.

    Things got even weirder from here. Somehow the official Heinz Twitter account was made aware of the whole shamozzle, and admitting that "Heinz makes you do crazy things," offered to pay for the ketchup thief's car damages. 

  • picture heinz tomato ketchup sachets

    What a full circle! The ketchup thief got one bottle of ketchup, then ended up with none, was involved in a car crash, which got paid for by Heinz... If this isn't all controlled by the crazy b*tch that is karma, then I don't know what is. All I know is that next time I feel like stealing ketchup, I might go for the little sachets instead of a full bottle. Probably safer that way. 


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