Coming Soon: Treat -Filled Advent Calendars For Cats At Trader Joe's

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    According to Boing Boing, the grocery store chain made the announcement in a September episode of the Inside Trader Joe's podcast — the same podcast where Trader Joe's introduced their advent calendars for dogs last year.

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    Strong demand by cat-loving customers

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    Inside, customers will reportedly find 24 "magical treats made of salmon and seaweed" (which cats reportedly love, according to Fields), and there will be a giant fish treat for Christmas Day that your kitty will be able to dig into

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    The aforementioned dog advent calendars were, indeed, a hit last year — they were also first announced on a podcast episode of "Inside Trader Joe's," where they generated buzz long before they hit shelves.

    Canidae - FAR DOGS TRADER JOE'S BANK ADVENT CALENDAR FOR DOGS Salmon&Sweet Potato Dog Treats Kn WALKS ADAY wd y 10 dto MNUTES red EVERY HER DAY E 055 MNES Of BALL 14 25 21 19 NET WT.5.110Z (145g)


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