

Worst Commute Ever

abomination bus frankenstein Kludge Subway train - 3963013120
Created by nrturner

Lousy HMO

frankenstein Kludge medical safety - 3814092544

Lousy HMO

frankenstein Kludge medical safety - 3814092544

Bonus Post: The Most Elusive Of Them All

frankenstein monster mythology religion vampire venn diagram zombie - 3771954176

Hybrids Often Take Traits From Both Parents

frankenstein hammer welding wrench - 3706742016
Created by Jeff Aldrich

Hybrids Often Take Traits From Both Parents

frankenstein hammer welding wrench - 3706742016
Created by Jeff Aldrich

What Horror Has Your Mad Engineering Wrought?!

frankenstein pipes wires - 3571013376
Created by ntsecrets

What Horror Has Your Mad Engineering Wrought?!

frankenstein pipes wires - 3571013376
Created by ntsecrets

It's Alive! ALIVE! Mwa-ha-ha-ha

console frankenstein monster video game - 3556882944

It's Alive! ALIVE! Mwa-ha-ha-ha

console frankenstein monster video game - 3556882944

Frankenstein&$39;s Son Is Showing Aptitude

cobbled together frankenstein video game - 3474807296
Created by frOOkt

Frankenstein&$39;s Son Is Showing Aptitude

cobbled together frankenstein video game - 3474807296
Created by frOOkt

The townspeople are restless Igor! Get the boiling oil

cat frankenstein window - 3461822976
See all captions Created by erick020755

Hesperia Bobsled

childhood frankenstein - 3388620288
Created by surveyoron

Hesperia Bobsled

childhood frankenstein - 3388620288
Created by surveyoron

Normally, Bikes With More Wheels Are Safer

bicycle frankenstein skateboard unsafe - 3379483648