

Ninjas have taken over

basic instructions boredom bug clever creativity in the workplace cubicle boredom cubicle prank error error message glitch hack hardware ingenuity ninja ninjas prank sass toner warning wiseass - 3359206400
Created by JC

I am forken thirsty!

broken clever ergonomics fork hack ingenuity lazy macgyver osha Sad water cooler work smarter not harder - 3313726464
Created by Keo

I am forken thirsty!

broken clever ergonomics fork hack ingenuity lazy macgyver osha Sad water cooler work smarter not harder - 3313726464
Created by Keo

Likelihood that my opinion will seriously anger people

American Idol anger Bar Graph crap gay marriage hack hate metal opinions people silly taylor swift twilight - 3099746304
Created by Tipsy_the_Drunken_Fairy

Obviously a Challenge

awesome hack challenge - 6850765568
Created by Unknown
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